Friday, September 18, 2009

Infinite - (IF)

A queue of infinite lost souls aimlessly marching in search of salvation.

May your forgotten heart be found.

An Illustration Friday submission for infinite. I haven't done one in a long while.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant love your artwork

Owl Eng said...

This is beautiful! i love the mystery qualities the illo exudes really brings out the infinity

Shyang said...

interesting :)

Marf said...

So does that line loop around the planet? So there's no beginning or end to the line?

sandygrafik said...

Your illo is just perfect, so simple and at the same time so deep, with a misterious atmosphere. Love it!

theartofpuro said...

Wonderful illo,great style

Indigene said...

I love the mystique!

Marcus Hadlock said...

cool idea-

berni said...

Thank you, everyone. [^ﺏ^]

Actually, Marf, that line is on the other side of life, not the planet, and yes, it has no end--a continuous roam.